Study Needs Participants: The Health of Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism

Rutgers University is conducting a study on the health of parents of children diagnosed with autism.  The purpose of this study is to explore how levels of stress and self-compassion influence parental mental and physical health. They are planning to recruit 280 participants in this survey.

Who is eligible to participate?

Adult parents or primary caregivers of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
Ability to read and respond to survey questions in English

Participants will be asked to complete a 15-20 minute, online survey about their health. Responses will be confidential. This study will inform the development of interventions to improve the mental and physical
health of parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with autism.

Special Education Legal Clinic Registration

To schedule an appointment, go to Special Education Clinic Registration

Interpreter Services Available

The purpose of the clinic is to provide a 30-minute consultation (for those who qualify) with a special education attorney.

The clinic offers free, limited legal advice and referrals for special education issues. The clinic is not meant to be a comprehensive consultation, if you need a more in-depth meeting, please contact WAA for a full intake screening.

Special Education issues related to your student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and/or 504 Plan including but not limited to:

  • Child Find
  • Qualifying for services
  • Accommodations and Modifications
  • Behavior supports
  • Discrimination
  • Discipline
  • Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
  • Accessing interpretation services

Click here to register for a date on their calendar